Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Another Look at "Serpent Seed" Doctrine

"Serpent Seed" doctrine is not widely taught, and may be fairly exclusive to Shepherds Chapel.
If you study from a E.W. Bullinger's companion Bible, Serpent Seed doctrine is most certainly implied, but in Bullinger's footnotes and appendixes he never overtly states it.

One thing can be certain, the scriptures take great care to document "generations"  over thousands of years.  The Bible has as much "history" and "genealogy"  as actual sayings or teachings, if not more.
This is what makes the Bible so different- It presents itself as "real".
"Serpent Seed" doctrine, is the only one I 'm aware of that pays any thought to the Bible's special attention to succession and family lines.


sainthillbilly said...

Would you show me where in the Companion Bible that Dr. Bullinger "implies" serpent seed. I have been a long time student of Shepherds chapel and Dr. Bullinger and to me it looks like Dr. Bullinger skirted around this issue. I can't figure out why unless he didn't believe this way. I am doing a work on this and need this info very much. THe whole thing is centered around understanding the Key of David. I actually agree with Murray but can't find the smoking gun. Bullinger says Gen 3:15 is figurative? That really through me, as I view it as literal. If any part of it is figurative then I suppose all of it is.

Anonymous said...

I hope I can Help. I will try it by the numbers might not be in the right order but they all fit
1.1 Cor c11v8 eth'_'Ha'adham and Eve are mankind or man
2.Gen c2v8 Mat.c13v36 they both are talking about the same garden
3.Now if God is the tree of life in the garden who do you think the tree of knowledge of good and evil is ? If I remember correctly Satan was a Hunk the full pattern
4.Genc3v15 says it straight out were is satans seed? Does it not say that the sons of God came down and took the daughters of men? Satan always copies God he planted his seed in the same garden God was using can you think of a better place for your offspring to grow?
%. Ap 19 in the companion bible

Well I hope I helped

Love always in Christ
Cleatus Loveall

for sure said...

Hmm God said that all things would procreate after their own seed!Angels ARE NOT FLESH AND BLOOD BEINGS THEREFORE ARE INCAPABLE OF SPECIES CROSSOVER PROCREATION! Murry is a stark raving lunatict

bedazzled_25 said...

food for thought...how did the virgin Mary become pregnant?

child of the one true King said...

Pastor Murray makes more sense out of the Bible by teaching it Chapter by Chapter, verse by verse than any other Pastor I have listened to in any church. By saying check out what he says and not taking his word for anything, he shows he is just a human teaching God's Word. I for one am thankful that God led me to Shepherd's Chapel Network at a time when I needed to grow in my faith and needed it Chapter by Chapter, verse by verse, to hear God speak to me through His Holy Spirit to understand for myself what He wants me to see and hear.

Unknown said...

I too am a follower of shepherds chapel,i love his teachings chapter by chapter. verse by verse. one thing is for certain cain is NOT listed in adams lineage. so I believe pastor murrays serpent seed.

Unknown said...

to leave message about the virgin mary. God planted the seed spiritually.

Unknown said...

The virgin mary God planted the seed spiritually.

Unknown said...

Pastor Murray is one of the smartest pastors that I have ever studied with. He is truly one of a kind will
be truly missed. my Heart is broken

Unknown said...

Appendix 19 should help.But if you go
to Genesis 3;15 will explain also. Hope this helps and may God truly guide you, God Bless

jar said...

Thou hast been in eden the garden of God. Ezekiel 28. this sealed it for me there is a serpent seed. Satan that old Serpent who is the devil and satan rev. God said to the serpent in eden who according to God is the devil that he would put hostility between his seed the serpent.same a devil and eves seed. Thats children

jar said...

Cain not mentioned in geneaology. Christ to the scribes and pharisees you are of your father the devil. The parible of planting seeds in mathew the one who sowed the wicked seed is the devil. seed the greek word sperma, Children. Epistles of john cain was of that wicked one. 24 hours a day of teaching on dish 18 on direct. Think about that. Its a blessing to the chapel and the students. How come every church isnt on that much. Easy cause they dont teach truth. GOD is with the chapel and uses the chapel as a tool to stir up the elect who are scattered around the world.

Joshua Adam Yost Pittsburgh Pennsylvania said...

The scripture says my children perish for the lack of understanding you have to realize that the word angel derives from angleas in the Greek which means a messenger in Genesis there's a difference between the created Adam and the formed Adam when you take that to Anthropologie UC dealing with the human race you have negroids mongoloids and caucasoids the created man was from the first two Origin the formed Adam was of Ruddy complexion also you have to realize dealing with the Torah the origins of Genesis and how it was brought to us you will find a lot of dealt with using parabolic imagery which means humans some had souls and some didn't there's those called to a greater purpose even to this day there is nothing new Under the Sun Solomon says which is very true Cain represents the negative side of the father through his seed of tubal-cain onto the kenites developed into what we have today as the Freemasons Illuminati the rosicrucian committee of the 300 which controls the world only way you could come to understanding to this is study the opponent you will soon realize they are the children of Darkness we are the children of light both Darkness and Light the spirits on the left and the spirits on the right makeup Elohim Yahweh under the order of Melchizedek comes the children of light we are in the same order joshyost135741@gmail.com

Trinaty42 said...

You did answer the question. You skirted around the answer like Murry does. In Peter it says only 8 were saved, but Murry said a dependent of Caine got on the ark with Noah.

Trinaty42 said...

Did not

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